Most cycle lanes around here are only advisory ones, those with a broken white lane (in fact being a cyclist you are not bound by any law to use a cycle lane), cycle lanes with broken white lanes can be used by motorists, those with solid white lanes cant, like the solid white lane in the centre they should not be crossed (with out reason). I rode to Wakefield yesterday from Pontefract and they have this cycle lane that really is a waste of tax payers money to have painted it, as it encourages cyclist to stay within in it and motorists outside it, however the road is a main road and for the most part quite wide, the cycle lane due to the fact very few cars go in it is usually full of c*** and is quite rough in places, so I tend not to be in it, even approaching junctions like the the O.P. posted I would be in the main left lane in a position that cars behind me would have to wait behind me, so they couldn't do the manovur that happened ( mind you having said that some still try).