In the drugs trade, there is a hierarchy where the runners are the most junior 'staff'. Their job is to move the drugs from one place to another and to sell directly to the punter.
This is to protect the main dealer/s from the police in the event the runner gets caught.
The reference to a 'line' is where the main dealer will allocate a territory to one of his runners. It also stems from the telephone number given to that runner i.e. hotline for punters to call.
But only if you were in a theatre apparently. Are you a thespian milky?
I think I will go back to the retirement thread. The nearest we get to sex and drugs is discussing @welsh dragon's bloomers.
They were offering you sex
Isn't that fraud?The scrapings from my Y fronts are sold locally as hashish.
It's rather concerning that I'd get that sort of offer. Then again only a real dickhead would make it to a complete stranger.
It's makes perfect sense to employ someone who doesn't fit that demographic to do the street work. Less likely to arouse the eye of the police.
Isn't that fraud?
Actually no. You said they were Asian, which suggests you're probably not. It's well known by the police and the authorities that in a lot of inner cities, Asians are over represented in the drugs trade.
It's makes perfect sense to employ someone who doesn't fit that demographic to do the street work. Less likely to arouse the eye of the police.