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- middle of Norfolk
Brock said:You are of course perfectly entitled to ride on that lovely wide road. The provision of shared path simply removes the illegality of cycling on the pavement, if you, or more likely a toddler with stabilisers wishes to do that. If having these shared use paths gives drivers the impression that cycles have no right to be on the road, then that's their mistake. The louts will always shout something out of their windows.
I'm not sure now whether I'm against shared use paths or not. I certainly won't use them myself, and I don't think they should be (are they?) part of Sustrans' plan, but if local councils decide to paint a funny looking bicycle picture to make sure that anyone wanting to trundle along a pavement isn't breaking the law, is it such a bad thing?
I know I'm entitled to use the road. Problem is, by encouraging/having shared-use farcilities as part of NCN, Sustrans *is* encouraging the belief that cyclists:-
a. should not be on the road (where we have a legal right to be)
b. that's it's legal to cycle on the footpath, which it's not (in England & Wales). Encouraging illegal activity is not something which should be encouraged.
So, yes, a council painting a white outline of a bike on a footpath and also it forming part of a Sustrans route *is* a bad thing IMO.