Theres no point mincing about with niceties, I am massively overweight and extremely unfit. I have done very little exercise for several years and nothing regular for at least 10.
Im not making excuses, I eat too much and dont do much but I decided to do something about it. I got a bike a couple of weeks ago and have been out on it most days but so far I can only manage 2 miles and thats really hard.
Ive cut down the crappy foods I used to eat, and dont drink much alchohol. I gave up smoking 6 weeks ago.
I am looking for some advice on getting a bit fitter and what I can and cant do, if any one knows any good books that would be a real help. I dont want to over do it as really I must be a heart attack just waiting to happen! But I dont want to be fat for ever, its just a case of finding a balance between too little and a heart attack!
I look forward to hearing from any advice.
First of all, congrats on making the move.. it's very difficult to do -- more power to you.
I'm sure others have said it, but have you consulted your doctor prior to starting to exercise? If you're as out of shape as you're describing, it'd be a very wise idea.
RE: 2 mile rides :There's nothing at all wrong with starting out with a couple of miles.. Your body will need a bit of time to acclimate to exercising again.
You've given up smoking (was the most difficult thing I ever did too) 6 weeks ago.. so your lungs are still clearing out a bit.. you'll find that with a bit of consistent and moderate exercise, your breathing will become'll have more capacity to exercise.
One thing I cannot stress enough is to hydrate. It's very common for people who've not exercised in a while to forget just how much water the body needs when being worked. Dehydrating is very easy, and will make you feel rubbish -- can make that 2 miles, feel like you just struggled through 10. On the days you're going to ride.. try to make a conscious effort to sip water through the day, almost constantly. Ideally, before you set out for your ride.. your urine should run all but completely clear, meaning that you're well hydrated. You'll find this can make a huge difference in how you feel.
Also a bit of fruit (an apple is great, or a handfull of dried fruit) an hour and half before a ride seems to work well for me.
Whatever you do .. stick with it. You've taken a huge step.. and a worthy one. If there's anything I can help with, let me know.
Good Luck