For these levers to work as intended you need an 8 or 9s Campagnolo index-type mech made before 2000.
The 980 has the wrong movement-to-cable-pull ratio, so it'll never work properly ... the drop-parallelogram index type RDs made after about 1994 will work far better, that's what the levers are designed to operate.
After 2000 the RDs / levers were slightly changed and the levers that you have won't index perfectly (they are close though, especially if you tune the initial index point in the middle of the cassette not at the high gear end, and optimise cable tension "up" and "down" from there).
The pre 2000 RDs are identifiable straight away because they have a "B" tension screw in the same place as Shimano - RDs made 2000 - 2014 (and in fact Athena 11s and Veloce 10s in 2015) don't have this, having adjustment of the relative positions of top jockey wheel and biggest sprocket for maximum sprocket size by means of a screw on the derailleur cage instead.
From current mechs, you could look at the Xenon 9s - that might work depending on exactly which version you have of the lever - there were two distinct internals built into that shaped body, one of which had a return spring that "helps" the rear derailleur move out towards top gear, one that doesn't. For the current Xenon RD to work, you need the forner - the latter is an older design and needs a RD with a stronger spring to work properly.
If you use a 9s mech, you'll need to use a 9s chain with it or the chain will scrape on the inside of the jockey cage, - Campag did "OK" this as a within-spec adaptation when they swapped over from 8s to 9s.
If you can find one, a 9s Record, Chorus or Veloce type mech from 2000 to 2005/6 vintage would likely be the best thing to use, if you can't find an original pre-2000 index mech, if you do your final set up from the middle of the cassette each way.these more modern rear mechs will index tolerably on a Campag cassette - on Shimano, as there is already an error there in the sprocket spacings, I don't think it would be so successful.