I've used veloviewer for sometime, and been vaguely aware of the tiles/square/cluster scores, but never purposefully gone out my way to maximise them. I've not cycled as much this year as previous years, so I thought about using that as a bit of motivation to up my mileage over the coming months.
I'm starting on 2,552 tiles, max cluster of 199 and max square a paltry 5x5.
I've spotted a few obvious missing tiles locally - they are generally fields, but some have concreted farms tracks running across them. Bag those (this weekend), and my max square should increase pretty rapidly. I have the problem of having London to the North - a clear corridor of 5-8 tiles running from home to work on the commute - not sure I fancy widening that much, so will have to look S/E/W. Adds a bit of something different to planning weekend rides
There is one annoying square to the East which doesn't appear to have any roads on it at all - could be limiting
I'm starting on 2,552 tiles, max cluster of 199 and max square a paltry 5x5.
I've spotted a few obvious missing tiles locally - they are generally fields, but some have concreted farms tracks running across them. Bag those (this weekend), and my max square should increase pretty rapidly. I have the problem of having London to the North - a clear corridor of 5-8 tiles running from home to work on the commute - not sure I fancy widening that much, so will have to look S/E/W. Adds a bit of something different to planning weekend rides
There is one annoying square to the East which doesn't appear to have any roads on it at all - could be limiting