Ghost Donkey
Fresh healthy food is your friend (here I go again, sorry
). It's worked for myself and many others I know. I'd agree with the post above that said there are many reasons you may choose to be a vegetarian but weight loss should not be one of them. Less processed carbs is the first starting point as well as hydrogenated and trans fats. Go for fresh fish, meat, many varied types of vegetables and have the fruits and other carbs you have around training. Feel free to shoot me down 
Vegetarianism will certainly do you no harm when done correctly (by this I mean eating a full range of necessary nutrition rather than chips with chips. I would never argue vegetarianism is unhealthy. Scott User10571, arguably one of the worlds greatest ultra distance runners, is vegan.

I was vegetarian for about 10 years, I raced on a vagetarian diet knocking out 250 to 400 miles per week. So it does not do any harm. Don't forget eggs are a good source of complete proteins. I don't think I could have been vegan.
Vegetarianism will certainly do you no harm when done correctly (by this I mean eating a full range of necessary nutrition rather than chips with chips. I would never argue vegetarianism is unhealthy. Scott User10571, arguably one of the worlds greatest ultra distance runners, is vegan.