Vastus Medialis (teardrop) Strain - 10K Run on Sunday

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Legendary Member
The Jogger said:
66 mins ?

62 minutes last month, 65 minutes this month.

Now, a month till the next one and thanks to the England team's ineptitude, no football events to disrupt my preperation


God Almighty
Sheffield_Tiger said:
I can see me being stuck at between 1 and 5 minutes past the hour for some time though....

Want to bet?


Man or Moose!
If you are looking to improve your time I recommend reading Matt Fitzgeralds brain training for runners. Taking some of the more out ideas with a pinch of salt and breezing over the in depth science many of his arguments make sense.

He provides training plans for 5k, 10k half marathon and marathon distances with a focus on a brain centred theory of running performance (which I'm semi prescribing to) and explains how to take control of training and to modify them to suit, each week employs cues for improving your stride.

I've found it interesting reading albeit a bit out there.

I'm trying to follow one of the 5km plans and will be blogging each weeks plans and progress when I get time to set up the blog page. I'm looking to achieve a sub 20 minute 5km time at the end of this training cycle.
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