Appointment 12pm, Eventually go under the knife at about 3.10pm. 30-40 mins the op took.
I decided to go Local rather than general but the other 2 cases were general so I had to wait till last.
A lot of waiting bought the anxiety levels up to maximum.
Hooked up to the HRM and Blood Monitor I can hear my heart beating away at 120-140 ish
Didn't shave the knackers and they didn't. Brand new theatre brand new hospital but they chose the old scalpel method rather than the non invasive method.
I get covered with various objects and they begin. Kings of Leon on the radio so I just try to chill as the injection goes in with the anesthetic. Just a small scratch not too bad. Couldn't really feel it going numb.
Surgeon then gets the scalpel and makes the 1st cut, Pain bearable. Then roots around for tubes and a bit of pulling. Now this hurts and I let them know
Another injection of anesthetic goes in and the fiddling carries on.
Ooo ouch wince grr somethings not right here I can feel excruciating pain so they give me another injection.
Anesthetic person to my right seems concerned and whispers something to the other nurse about anesthetic given and no wonder it hurts.
Surgeon says something like "It's my theatre in a holby city type moment !
15 mins has gone now and I'm mega stressed but a couple of minutes later they are sowing up opening one.
Now onto Number 2
Pretty much as per one.
15 minutes of covering my eyes with my arm while holding the nurses hand and it was all over.
Off to recovery shaking and freezing cold (I had been told to gown up at 1pm and it was freezing so nearly 3 hours in the nude in Air conditioned area)
Nice Warm blankets given to me out of the warming cover, 20 mins waiting in recovery and back to the ward for a cup of tea and a sandwich.
20 mins later and off to the toilet for a wee, All seems ok.
7 mins to walk to the entrance though to get picked up about 1/4 mile and no wheelchairs !
Back home now since 6pm last night. Pain is a dull ache,pulling on stitches is uncomfortable but took 1 x Co-whatever last night and 1 this morning and just chilling now.
Would I have it done under Local - Erm probably not, Maybe mine was a one off but 6 injections in total to relieve the pain.
What kind of a wimp are you?
I walked into a local Hospital, sat outside a non-discipt room for about 20 mins. Time to go in, kit off gown on, lie on table. Nurse has a quick look and commends me on my shaving. Quick injection each side, knife out, snip snip all done in about 20-30mins.
Pulled my trousers up and walked out. Nothing to it, no pain no discomfort.
A bit of a dull ache im my nuts for a couple of days.