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New Member
After our third child we have decided we don't want anymore. The missus has therefore turned to me and said "So I presume you will be having a vasectomy."

I hadn't really thought about it before.

Anyone else had it done?

What's it like?

Should I do it???


Well-Known Member
doddle mate, had one after our third kid. In and out in less than 2 hours. weirdest bit was having some strange bloke (the surgeon) holding your meat and two veg.
hardest bit was when they wouldn`t let me go home till I`d had a pee. thinking it was gonna be painful I held it in for as long as possible before letting go in dribs and drabs. didn`t hurt btw.


Re member eR
I had it done 20+ years ago. No problems apart from my nads aching a bit for a day or so.
Couldn't have been that bad because I was back at work the day after.
If you are definite about not wanting any more sprogs then go for it.


BigonaBianchi said:
My Mrs told me not to have one just in case I wanted to have children elsewhere...erm...xx(:wacko::becool::wacko:

This was my view as well. I waited till I was 40. At that point, I reckoned I could not cope with any more; 2 were quite sufficient. As it has turned out, I am now divorced, remarried and quite happy with the decision I made.

With regard to the op - piece of cake, just do not overdo it in the first couple of weeks. I carried a very heavy rucksack at work for a only a few hundred yards about 5 days after the op and popped the stitches - bit embarrassing.


Well-Known Member
BigonaBianchi said:
My Mrs told me not to have one just in case I wanted to have children elsewhere...erm...xx(:wacko::becool::wacko:

the doc actually mentioned this when we had the pre op interview thing.


Legendary Member
near Hornsea
I had mine in my early 30s, after my wife had a scare & we thought she was pregnant xx( If i had kids it would probably restrict the number of bikes I could have :becool:
It's a very minor op, but still had 2 weeks off work just to make sure i was fully recovered ;-)
Like above ...

couple of hours, back to work next day but light duties for a week or so.


Started young, and still going.
Best thing I have probably ever done, 18 years ago. It felt like I had been kicked in the goolies for a day, then a little bruising but no bad after effects. I only took a day off work, no problems.


So what happens to all the sperm that are still being produced in your testes? Where do they go? Or do they come out dead. Or what.


Taking the biscuit
User76 said:
Each morning you sick them up. You soon get used to it.


Maz, the sperm get re absorbed into the body.:biggrin:

I was a bit 'delicate' for a few days and as has been said only light duties for a week or two.

I had it done under a local anaesthetic and was in and out in a matter of hours. *snigger*


Legendary Member
Wasn't there a French Doctor who took out his own appendix under local?

Wonder if anyone has given themself the snip?
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