In plain terms with mine sat along side me
1. Solid red light and which apparently changes to a flashing light when a vehicle appproaches
2. A very very slightly dimmer solid red light and which apparently changes to a flashing light when a vehicle appproaches
3. A solid red light which flashes with greater intensity and which apparently changes to a quicker flash when a vehicle approaches (does the solid red remain?)
4. A flashing light which changes to a quicker flash when a vehicle approaches (seen it do whilst I was sat on bench)
5. Standby of which the benefits have been set out by
@si_c but my 530 simply gets into a twist setting up a light network it has found then saying it cannot find the light network

Have told it not to look for a light network. Can confirm mistakenly leaving the Varia in standby for a week will pretty will run the battery down