User3143, Yes it is personal preferences. Your own preference will be dictated by the ratio of 'Fast twitch' and 'Slow twitch' muscle fibres you have. Blame your Dad for this.
Jan's coach assessed he had more Fast twitch fibres which gave him the advantage when he extended his legs slowly. Lance's coach spotted Lance's Slow twitch legs which are better at high repetition, long duration exercise.
Don't worry about yourself. Your physiology will naturally sort your most efficient cadence.
Don't try to copy your favourite Pro. A lot of bad golfers do this.
Jan's coach assessed he had more Fast twitch fibres which gave him the advantage when he extended his legs slowly. Lance's coach spotted Lance's Slow twitch legs which are better at high repetition, long duration exercise.
Don't worry about yourself. Your physiology will naturally sort your most efficient cadence.
Don't try to copy your favourite Pro. A lot of bad golfers do this.