How on earth do you wind up getting over 20 stone? Well, I had a job which demanded all of my time, leaving little or no time for exercise. Food options were poor in my area, and I had to eat out alot, also unhealthy. I would also be quite tired from carrying around 20+stone on concrete floors all day, and had a bit of drinking going on in my life as well. Thoughtless employer, poor exercise habits, and poor self discipline and a lack of options led me to get to that weight, I was also over 6'4". I think what the OP is doing is very wise, getting this under control. I believe that cycling is the best option in this instance. I had to look at myself in the mirror one day, and say I was going to do something about this. Because it was my fault in the first place. As the film based photo industry went away, taking my job with it, I got another job, only 40 hours a week, and with impetus from my doctor I tried cycling. This brought me to people in my area who were supportive of my efforts, not the least of which was my wife, probably most supportive of all.