I went to see an acquaintance of mine yesterday evening. He lives in a house you can only get to by walking up a narrow cobbled alley. As I walked past another house adjoined to that alley, the door opened and a bloke appeared and said to me quote.. "You've not come for a piss have you"?! Thinking he might be some kind of weirdo who likes being peed on or summat, I played it calmly,

replying "Oh I'm ok thanks, I had one just a short while ago". "So if you're not here for a piss, what are you here for" he replied. I stood there kind of mesmerised that someone would be so nosy, bordering on intimidating. I then told him I was here to get to someone's house. When I mentioned who I was here to see he backed off, saying "Oh, that's ok, I thought you might be one of those who leaves the pub down the road and comes up here for a piss". He then told me that he saw me on his CCTV and watches it almost constantly for folk peeing in that alley. He even told me that he saw some that same day, but couldn't get out in time to confront them, so he went into the pub to confront them. That's/he's a bit obsessive wouldn't you say? 🤔