I met up with a friend I hadn't seen in 20 years last night
. The pub's toilets we were in were upstairs. The steps to those toilets were quite high and steep. I didn't fancy the climb and descent with my dodgy hip/leg, so I kept nipping out the pub to have a pee in the next door's disused cinema's doorway. The bus I caught back home took the long route. The normally 5 mile journey was around 10 miles. I was dying for a pee half way home and if it hadn't been the last bus I'd have got off to have a pee then caught the next one following. When I eventually got off I pegged it to the waiting to be removed town's Christmas tree and peed what must've been 2 pints. I woke up this morning and checked local Facebook pages to see if there were any 'Name this man' topics as naming and shaming peeing persons is quite common now. Thankfully there weren't any showing me. I think it's more when the person has peed outside someone's house and not such places as disused cinemas and old Christmas trees.