Upgrade to campag?

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Active Member
I've seen this picture being wheeled out a few times during various Shimano vs campag discussions. Where does it actually come from? Is it something someone has photoshop'd or is 'shimaNO' some kind of amusingly coincidental physics term?

I had a quick google on this but couldn't find anything.

Just wondering.

wafflycat said:
Uncle Albert comes out once more to remind all..




Well-Known Member


RecordAceFromNew said:
3. You are Spartacus, you have a head start in the knowledge of all things Italian :biggrin:
Italian? He would be spinning in his grave!

The clue is in the name. Well, almost - Spartacus was actually from north eastern Greece, not Sparta, but that's just like the BBC calling Sheffield 'the North'. For three years his band of amateurs trounced all the professional troops and generals that Rome could throw at him and were eventually defeated only because part of his force insisted on heading south and robbing towns as they went, instead of following his original plan of leaving Italy over the eastern Alps.

The little we know about him suggests he was a charismatic, capable and (by the habits of the time) humane leader. His followers were treated particularly harshly by the Roman military.


Corn Fed Hick...
...on the slake
I am Spartacus said:
...in cafe it will get swamped by vacuous meanderings...

Vacuous meanderings in the cafe - I can hardly believe my eyes!!! :smile:

I've got both Campag and Shimano and they both work very well, I prefer the hoods on the Campag, they're comfier and this is where I spend most of my time.
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