So it’s been 11 weeks since my accident and 10 weeks post op which has been full of ups and downs, sleepless nights and most important of all not cycling. Today I had an appointment with my consultant and he is impressed with my recovery so far, there is some movement I am still struggling with (moving my arm behind my back) but I am positive I will get there.
Well the good news is… *drum roll* The Physio & Consultant have given me the green light to get back on the bike!!! The last two months has had me convinced it would be the predicted 6 months by both of them, it seems my wifes nagging to do more with my arm (do more around the house translated) and pushing myself has got me back in the saddle.
A big thanks to the paramedics who picked me up from the side of the road, stuffed me full of morphine and popped my bike in the back of the ambulance, the A&E staff who helped me with pain control and also fed me drugs. A special thanks to the Anesthetist @ LGI who calmed me in their room pre op, a good talk of the pros and cons of clipless and flats and cycling in general helped me and scared me to death with the pain block needle in my neck whilst awake!! I would like to thank all my friends and Alba members for the support over the past few months and the advice given has really helped me.
My main goal for 2015 was the Coast 2 Coast in a day in June, I was gutted when the accident happened, not to be able to train and take part as I had focused everything on and trained for it since July, I had lost over a stone in weight and my strength on the bike increased two fold, everything on the bike evolved around this challenge, this by far the biggest on two wheels in my life but two months sat on my rear stuffing my face and watching Jeremy Kyle has set me back to my start weight with the thought of 6 months off the bike too depressing a thought. So whilst the C2C is pushing it for me the Leeds 100 in September isn’t, so that’s my goal and C2C 2016 will be the next one, might do the Fred Whitton as well!!
So as a true fair weather cyclist I should be back on the road in a few weeks, this time on flats only for a few weeks (a promise to the wife). I also was able to get a picture of my metal work, something my consultant had refused me thus far..
So happy cycling guys see you on the road soon.