Birmingham (University of Birmingham) - plusses:
Accomodation is, I think, a little cheaper than some of the more shall we say 'refined' cities.
Real nice campus that has it's old railway station so it's easy to get to city centre but is slightly seperated from it.
Has a hospital attached to it (which I assume would be good for nursing).
Generally has a good rep: Russell Grp, etc.
Bad sides:
Well, it's Birmingham ain't it.
Everything is within easy reach in the city centre or there abouts.
Mushy pea and faggot batches.
Bike museum.
Has a pink student union building.
Some might suggest that Coventy isn't the most 'refined' of places even compared to Birmingham! Yes, when I was there, a while back (last ressession/last time they won the FA cup in fact), it did seem to have an air of grot and menace to it (walking home through Hillfields at night, etc) on first arrival. But, once I got to know it, I liked it: it also had an air of honesty, of real people (tm) and real life about it.