Ultegra brakes - washer layout plus back nut too long ?

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Senior Member

I recently bought some Ultegra brakes second hand. They turned up and looked lovely so I thought no more of it.

My new frame arrived today so I started fitting them, but realised I have no idea where any washers go (if at all).

I presume the back nut goes through the frame/fork without a washer but then do you have a washer or anything before the main brake assembly ?

Also, the front brake seems fine but the rear has a far too long back nut, which is more than double the thickness of the brake mounting on the seat stays. I see on the shimano site that there are 3 different back nut lengths available but I don't have them. Does anyone have any idea what I could substitute in there ?

Back nut is #4 on the shimano doc http://techdocs.shimano.com/media/t...BR/EV-BR-6500-1681A_v1_m56577569830728758.pdf and there is a washer/spacer shown but not clear where.
Any guidance gratefully received.

The perils of buying secondhand gear I suppose...

Many thanks in advance.

The order is as you suggest -nut goes into frame and then on the other side you have a serrated washer (or two) and then the caliper.

The serrated washer (s) act as spacers and also prevent the brake from moving - you should have some off the old brakes or you can make a temporary one up out of sandpaper doubled up with a hole in the middle.

The nuts as you as come in three sizes - they do long ones for some carbon frames - you will find that a similar nut off an old pair will work.


Legendary Member
Any bike shop will have spare nuts in their box of bits if you take the bike and brake along.

Don't worry too much about the castellated washer; they just damage your paint anyway.


Senior Member
Thanks guys, I presumed it would be back nut > frame > washer > main brake body

My bike shop built bike with tektro brakes on just goes back nut > frame > brake body and the brake's slight movement has chipped the paint off my front carbon fork. I wondered if it was the cause to be honest.

I'll ask them if I can swap my long nut for a short one out of their box of bits.




Senior Member
If anyone's reading this in the future, for reference, I found a back nut from a v-brake block which looks like a double height dome nut but with an allen key fastening and fits the bill perfectly.

The brakes are £1 a pair at Asda !
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