UKIP's policies

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Little yellow Brompton

Little yellow Brompton

A dark destroyer of biscuits!
I have, but none of it explains how UKIP would stop "rubbish coming out of Brussels and the money wasted there." Maybe , it's just possible that you haven't an answer , which as you keep ignoring the question seems likely. So for the moment ( don't worry we will come back to the question later) maybe you would like to define what "rubbish " you are talking about ?
No answer was the stern reply! Why is it, those that waffle on about, "stuff" coming from Brussells, when challenged never have an answer apart from arm waving?

I live in Wales, I have a two councils, the Assembly, Westminster, and Strasbourg. Yes we are over governed , maybe there is too much money wasted, but the surplus parts are the lowest council and Westminster. I can understand , if you are a white male, English , living in the SE,or an MP or a British Civil servant or involved in the British media I can see why you would currently dislike the EU , for you it's a loss of power and control ( especially if you are an MP or British media) , but for everyone else it's time they woke up and realised , if you want to compete with the US or Asia , or in decades to come Africa then you need to be ina big unit, the market for small tax havens has been filled ( by small tax havens) so the only choice UK Ltd has is to merge, and get rid of the middle management. Just don't expect the middle managers to be happy about it, or point out that it's a good idea.


It's a bit more complicated than that...
A bit like the Labour Party you mean?

Yvette Cooper and Lord Ahmed
Ahmed has been suspended; Cooper is wrong in the specifics but right in the generalities:
Most people who come to Britain from Europe work hard and contribute more in taxes than they use in public services or claim in benefits," Cooper said in her speech to the Institute of Public Policy Research.
"But the system needs to be seen to be fair. Giving people the right to work in other countries was never intended to be a way for people to travel and get support from other countries if they weren't planning to contribute.
She said a "one nation immigration policy" had to work for all: "That means an honest and open debate. It means admitting where we got things wrong and changing," she said.
"It means supporting the government where they get things right, but calling them out when they get it badly wrong. It means recognising that diversity makes Britain stronger. It means no rhetorical arms race, just sensible and practical proposals that can make the system better, stronger and fairer for the future."
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A bit like the Labour Party you mean?

No, I mean a substantial and significant number of UKIP's members and representatives acting in racist ,sexist and homophobic ways! This alarms me considering their obvious scare tactics regarding immigration and asylum.

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