I've got 700c x 25mm tyres at the moment. The clearance between the rear tyre and the downtube (From the saddle.) is only about 2mm. Would that be enough for me to fit Crud Racer guards? The bike originally had 23mm tyres before I got it and I was thinking of putting 23mm Specialized Armadillo Elites on. What would be the difference/advantage of changing to that size? I like the idea of the puncture protection of the Armadillos!
Thanks for your time.
I've got 700c x 25mm tyres at the moment. The clearance between the rear tyre and the downtube (From the saddle.) is only about 2mm. Would that be enough for me to fit Crud Racer guards? The bike originally had 23mm tyres before I got it and I was thinking of putting 23mm Specialized Armadillo Elites on. What would be the difference/advantage of changing to that size? I like the idea of the puncture protection of the Armadillos!
Thanks for your time.