Tyre Question - Anyone any experiance of Rimbo folding tyre

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Well-Known Member
South Shields
Currently using a 700 wheel with a Schwalbe marathon supreme 700 x 35c on and deciding to go thinner for a long tour (LEJOG) this summer.

I love the Schwalbe but think for such a trip (supported) which will be Tarmac as against old rail tracks and the like that I normally use. I do think that thinner tyres would be an advantage.

I was just about to order a pair of Panaracer Tour Guard breaker tyre size 28, (Vernon's tyre of choice, how could I look elsewhere) but then I got my eyes on the Panaracer Rimbo Folding Tyre (also size 28's)

Has anyone anyone experience of the above. PS Should I just stick with supremes in a size smaller.
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