Tyre inflation.

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I know I should be going out and buying a floor pump but I haven't got one yet.

At present I'm having to make do with my mini bike mounted pump.

Remove dust cap, unscrew the little bit on the end of the valve. Push on the pump and ........... hissssssss, the tyre went flat. Managed to get some air in but nowhere near enough.
How far do you press the pump onto the valve to get a decent seal?

As I said, I got some air in and somehow managed to do so without air escaping. As soon as I stopped, pressed the tyre and started again I could hear air escaping in short bursts (if you know what I mean)


South Somerset
Has your pump got a lock / unlock lever for gripping the valve?


Ridley rider
Hard one to answer without seeing the pump..does it do both types of valves?...does it have a lever?...if so check at what position the lever grips the valve. Mine grips the valve when the lever is at 90 degrees not in the closed position...which looks wrong but only works this way. Also you dont have to unscrew the valve very far just half a turn or so. Track pumps are worth every penny in my opinion.

edit: beat me to it Peteaud:biggrin:


South Somerset
Hard one to answer without seeing the pump..does it do both types of valves?...does it have a lever?...if so check at what position the lever grips the valve. Mine grips the valve when the lever is at 90 degrees not in the closed position...which looks wrong but only works this way. Also you dont have to unscrew the valve very far just half a turn or so. Track pumps are worth every penny in my opinion.

My pump is the same.


Have you got the pump set up for the right type of valve? Many pumps have screw off ends which you can remove then prise out a bit of plastic and turn it round to suit.

If you're sure it's set up right just press it on as far as you can. The fact is that some mini-pumps just aren't very good.


My pump doesn't have a lever.


Pulling the bottom part down I noticed it had numbers 1,2 & 3 on the underside of the top part. Can't think what they're for as it doesn't rotate or anything. I must be doing something wrong. Surely it's easy to inflate a tyre. Thought the pump looked sleek and slimline when I bought it. Possibly should have gone for one with a lever?


Looks like the Decathlon one I bought a while ago. Could never get on with it to be honest. Took me ages to pump up post punct***. Just difficult to get air in. Gave up in the end and bought a mini Lezyne with the screw on hose.
+1 for the addition (when practical) for a floor pump as well, especially one with a gauge. You can never really tell pressure properly

Boon 51

Deal. Kent.
Do get a floor pump you wont regret it..
I did have the same problem as you when I started and I put a dab of oil on the top of the valve ( just the thread bit) and that seemed to make the pump fit better..


South Somerset
It must have some sort of lock.

Does the head twist?


Ridley rider
Dont know what the numbers are.......hopefully someone will have the same model....however if the hole is small enough to grip the valve.....spin the wheel so the valve is at the top.......put the pump on the valve and hold it there with your left hand by gripping the tyre and the head of the pump together...and pump fast ...sorry if this sounds like i'm trying to tell you how to suck eggs....i'm not........i hate this type of pump as you have to expend as much energy holding the pump onto the valve as you do pumping......my son deflates his tyres everytime he uses one of these......get a track pump....seriously easy to maintain good higher pressures on the tyres you have rather than struggling with this type of pump and it makes a difference......for out and about i use co2 in case of p$$tures and use the track pump at home on a regular basis.


Senior Member
Dover, Kemt
Got this one for a tener from Amazon works a treat
Beto Track Pump Bicycle Cycle Alloy Floor Track Tyre Inflator Schrader/Presta valve Pump with Gauge
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