I know there has been a discussion here about the consequences of losing a phone while away from base, but I can't find it just now.
I think
this may be the thread.
Given that this is the Touring forum my opinion is that a second phone is a very useful addition for a solo traveller. But as always, it depends on lots of factors.
Memory can be a funny thing. Will it work normally (or weirdly in your case

) under stress? Mine didn't.
However, it's not just a case of remembering your password, buying a new phone and being good to go.
The biggest issue, at least with Google, is gaining access to your accounts (even with the password) from a new (unknown) device using unfamiliar WiFi. Google won't let you.
Setting up a replacement phone at home is very different to setting one up on the road for that reason.
Care should be taken in choosing what device or email address is to be used for recovery.
Depending on how other online accounts are set up (log in through Google), losing access to Google may also deny you access to them. And, of course, there's all that data stored in Google. Your photos, perhaps, your contacts.
A second phone (or tablet),
having previously been used to access accounts makes the whole process straightforward.
It's also an opportunity to track your missing phone or to lock it/delete it remotely when time may be of the essence.
A second sim card is not necessary if you have regular access to WiFi.
Public phones and internet cafés are disappearing in most places. I wouldn't like to depend on them in an emergency.
More and more a phone used as a computer is becoming essential for international travel. Border crossings may need to be registered in advance, proof of insurance, plane tickets etc. will need to be created/transported and available to show. Lose the phone, lose access to all that.
Banking is different. If using a banking app, I'd suggest making sure you know exactly how it works, especially if loading up on a new phone. I opened and closed an account here (Spain) partly because I needed to visit the bank if I wanted to change phone. That was a deal breaker. I can't speak for the UK but there are several online only options for banks that are cheap, work internationally and can be used as a backup to a regular account.
I've gone through the process twice on the road, the first with a spare tablet, the second time with nothing. The first experience was a damn sight more pleasant than the second.
And, as you've noted, there are other people involved. Their peace of mind has to be worth something, too.
Less hassle than eg pringling a wheel and sorting a new one.
Having done both, my wheel pringling experience was my favourite!
On the subject of backup of your phone you could do this with a SD card and a plug in reader instead of using cloud storage:
My experience is that such SD cards do not hold up well to the kinds of conditions that they can be exposed to on the road. Memory sticks work better, or even external disks.
A Kindle can be a useful storage device for important documents like passports, tickets etc.