We're planning to replace our 11 year old LG 42
This leads me to ask why are you looking to replace it? Has it broken or are you not satisfied with the picture?
You might find that a 2024/5 model of the same thing is a better picture, they pretty much all are, but as Vickster said they are getting rarer now as most folks want a bigger one. From expereince I would not go with budget brands like Digihome or Hisense; they give a good picture but IME don't last very long, or just don't perform very well out of the box. The picture quality tends to be the easiest thing to get right at the budget end, but it's the sound, smart featres/Apps etc that are very slow.
We bought a Phillips TV from Richer Sounds and the picture is great, the sound is great, and the processing power (speed of Apps and menus etc) is also great. It was £100 more expensive than the Hisnse equivalent but hopefully well worth it.
Also don't rule out a larger screen just because. We went from a 47" to a 65". At first it looked like a Billboard, but now it's just normal. It is far nicer to have a larger screen if you have room, and if you're not sitting that close