Senior Member
Elite usually print a graph of the machine's curves on the outside of the box.
Can you take a piccie and post it?
One of the five curves should go through 180 Watts at 32 kmh. If there is, that's a Roadrace bike on level ground.
Another might go through 220 W at 32 kmh. That's a touring bike.
All you need to do is ride as far as possible in 20 mins with the machine on the 'Roadrace bike' setting. Enlarge your piccie of the graph and make an estimation of the wattage for your average speed over the 20 mins test. Multiply the result by 0.95 and that's a reasonable estimate of your Functional Threshold Power.
If you are clever, you can build a spreadsheet of the curves and formulate a polynomial equation for each curve.
Then you do a 'coastdown test' on your real bike and calculate a 'correction factor' to see what your 20 mins would have been on your real bike round a velodrome.