Turbo/rollers/exercise bike

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Active Member
Help! I'm hoping to build up to 100 miles and can get out for long rides at weekends but not so easy to get out after work for long rides. I do a spinning class and maybe a session on the treadmill but want to get something for home to build up endurance/time in the saddle. Any advice would be helpful. Thanks


Eat, Sleep, Ride, Repeat.
Love my rollers. There is some speculation about them being boring, but, in my opinion, if you are bored you're not pushing hard enough. They're good for building bike balance too, however, not so sure about building endurance on them. You can get a few aches and pains from minimal movement after about an hour.


Active Member
try a turbo or even a stationary bike at the gym ,as apposed to spinning .set it up on interval hill training if it has it good all round work out ..turbo is harder than spinning i find and your in the correct position


Senior Member
try a turbo or even a stationary bike at the gym ,as apposed to spinning .set it up on interval hill training if it has it good all round work out ..turbo is harder than spinning i find and your in the correct position

Use the stationary bike as spock says. After an hour of intervals or random intensities, have a rest and then get back on and ride as far as you can in 20 minutes. Go 'balls out'. Record the intensity level and how far you got. The next week, repeat the intervals and have another go at riding further. Record your results.

When you are at home, watch the telly hunched forward with your head held up by your neck muscles. Note how long it is before your neck starts to ache. Try to get this duration to 4 hours before you get up and brew a cup of tea. ^_^


Rainbows aren't just for world champions
Northern Ireland
Why pay monthly fees to sit on a bike in a gym which really isn't a like for like, right down to the saddle?

Turbo trainer or rollers all the way - pay and forget


Active Member
i have spin bike at home and turbo ,,i use the bikes all 3 types at the gym ,,,,1 because im there already doin other training 2 cause your not riding alone , and 3 they electronicly adjust themselves , ,,but home training is better than none ,,trouble with a turbo or normal exersise bike is its all to easy to ease the tension off ,, im sure t m h net will put you right ,, seems like a knowledgible chap :whistle:


Active Member
ps excuse my spelling ^_^


Senior Member
Another Timetrialist here.
I have a CycleOps Wind in my spare room with a cheapo 'racer' on it full time.
The CycleOps Wind has a reasonable Powercurve by which I can back-calculate Watts. I perform a CT20 weekly by following a procedure formulated after reading the article on FTP on Flammerouge.je.
As long as the warm-up procedure is consistent, results can be trusted. The 'test' is to ride as far as possible in 20 minutes. If I ride further than last week, I'm improving. If I ride 7 miles, I multiply this by 3 ( 21 mph ) and look on CycleOps curve to see the Wattage at 21 mph. 300 Watts. I multiply this by 0.95 and hey presto, a FTP.

I take my Shiv to my local 5 mile course and ride it. 11 mins 25 s.


Active Member
I pay fees for a gym cos I love the spinning classes and I attempt to do light weights - usually when daughter is swimming - it fits in nicely after school. However I can't get out when she's in bed and I'm conscious I need to get some saddle time - looks like rollers or spin bike is the way forward though - thanks all :-)


Rainbows aren't just for world champions
Northern Ireland
I pay fees for a gym cos I love the spinning classes and I attempt to do light weights - usually when daughter is swimming - it fits in nicely after school. However I can't get out when she's in bed and I'm conscious I need to get some saddle time - looks like rollers or spin bike is the way forward though - thanks all :-)
Nah go for rollers or turbo trainer. No point in riding a bike that is similar but not your own, ie: not your own saddle,geometry,setup,pedals,bars blah blah


Senior Member
Don't worry about gym bikes, spinning bikes, home bikes and real bikes being slightly different geometry.
The HARD work will be with you bum off the saddle.
Once you stand up, you take the position naturally to get most effort into the cranks.
The maximal power you can exert is using your whole bodyweight on the front pedal AND pulling like hell on the rear pedal. This is how pros accelerate on hills.
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