Illegitimi non carborundum
- Location
- Camden, London
Completely agree. I also think we (or at least I) went too hard on some of the early hills - I blame Lee as I was trying to keep up with him! In hindsight I should have held a bit back on those inclines and used the flatter sections to catch back up with the group - which wasn't too hard to do really (at least in the first half of the ride!). As I've said before I had my Zwift racing head on and was thinking if I lost touch that would be curtains, but its not quite like that in the real world.
Got the email many thanks mate

Regarding the getting back onto a group thing. I think it’s just dependent on how fast the group is going versus your own threshold. For example If the group is cruising at 25mph and you drop off the back the longer you take to make contact the harder it becomes. How long can you spend at 30mph or whatever before you pop? I’ve been spat out of groups a few times and found it super tough to bridge the gap.
I think the pace for the ride was generally slower than last year. So that made it easier to dance around a bit. But then I think we overcompensated for our slow start by pushing too hard in the middle. And spent much more time on the front of groups.