I've picked out around 30 designs. It's basically every design that at least one person has liked. If there's another design you guys remember that I haven't posted try and find it maybe.
If each person picks out 3 designs. And ranks their choices from 1st to 3rd that might be a start. I've also included a photo of Bob modelling his zwift team kit. This photo represents plainer, perhaps one colour jerseys not necessarily exactly like Bob's.
We obviously don't have to pick one of these designs exactly. But we can at least narrow down our search. It's unlikely whichever jersey we pick is going to be everyone's number one but hopefully we find something that everyone likes.
When picking the jerseys you like maybe have in mind what else you want on the jersey. Writing on the back? Club name? Nicknames? Club emblem in the front? Think how tgeee things will intergrate with the design you like.