Trouble brewing at Komoot

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Über Member
Recently, Komoot started requiring a monthly subscription to allow sending routes to cycling computers.
It may or may not have something to do with them being acquired by a company that has a grim history when it comes to acquiring - then gutting - companies.

I'm not ready to abandon Komoot just yet - after all, I'm not affected by the change above, having been grandfathered in, but it may be a good idea to have a replacement on the ready.
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Legendary Member
And the beauty of keeping my cycling life clean and simple isn't that im never affected by this sort of nonsense.


How far can I go?
This is disappointing- I've been using Komoot since the early days, and am luckily grandfathered in (at the moment). Like the OP, I'm not ready to give it up just yet- we'll see if this new acquisition changes things for the worse. I liked komoot because it wasn't a subscription and don't want to abandon for a subscription based service (I know others exist that are non-subscription based).


Legendary Member
Northern Germany
I must admit I've never been a big fan of Komoots pricing structure and I generally do find it very confusing. I also don't find their mapping very clear or their route creation software easy to use. I've been paying for and using RWGPS for years now and much prefer their route creation tools and maps.

What Komoot does really well though is the community aspect, it's super easy to find some great routes, whether that be walking, gravel biking etc. This is backed up with user generated photos and descriptions that are fantastic. This aspect of the site is really valuable and it would be a sad loss to the outdoor community if it were to go.


Legendary Member
I've never really understood Komoot, I've not found it very useful or easy to use, and even when they're offering a new trial period it seems too broken to get anything useful out of it, so I'd not be at all sad or distressed if it disappeared, it hasn't really influenced my cycling experience in any way.
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Legendary Member
I've got an account through my Cycling UK membership which gives away maps every so often, I've never really used it though before I got a Garmin device now so I think I'll try it.

Insultingly despite me firmly being placed in West Yorkshire, the map that covers where I live is labelled South Yorkshire!


Well-Known Member
I've got an account through my Cycling UK membership which gives away maps every so often, I've never really used it though before I got a Garmin device now so I think I'll try it.

Insultingly despite me firmly being placed in West Yorkshire, the map that covers where I live is labelled South Yorkshire!

Could you not persuade it to have you based in Lancashire - you'd feel an awful lot better. :bicycle:


Legendary Member
Could you not persuade it to have you based in Lancashire - you'd feel an awful lot better. :bicycle:

I'd rather drown.



I must admit I've never been a big fan of Komoots pricing structure and I generally do find it very confusing. I also don't find their mapping very clear or their route creation software easy to use. I've been paying for and using RWGPS for years now and much prefer their route creation tools and maps.

What Komoot does really well though is the community aspect, it's super easy to find some great routes, whether that be walking, gravel biking etc. This is backed up with user generated photos and descriptions that are fantastic. This aspect of the site is really valuable and it would be a sad loss to the outdoor community if it were to go.

I've never really understood Komoot, I've not found it very useful or easy to use, and even when they're offering a new trial period it seems too broken to get anything useful out of it, so I'd not be at all sad or distressed if it disappeared, it hasn't really influenced my cycling experience in any way.
These two posts precisely sum up my feelings. I've tried to use Komoot in the past, even attended a couple of online teaching sessions. I found it clunky and difficult to use for planning.

It is though brilliant for offering routes in unfamiliar areas. I might use it once a year for this function but not worth paying for. I won't miss it.

It is though sad for tens of thousands of loyal supporters.


Legendary Member
I’m ambivalent about Komoot although their audio directions are really invaluable on our summer bike trips. But it sounds grim for the staff.

Struck me as well that Komoot literally owe their success to their users who put their routes on the app. Without users, they’re just a map app.


Well-Known Member
Only owning a Garmin Edge somethingorother (2016), that has only been used for navigation a few times, I'm not real sure what Komoot does. The few times I used the Garmin to get me somewhere when no map was available, it did a stellar job of not only getting somewhere but finding bike friendly routes I might not have found otherwise. I take it Komoot can suggest a good route and then load it into a GPS unit like the Edge ? What would they be proposing to charge for such a "service" ?


Supporters? Mugs. This was just a question of when, wasn't it?

If that's your opinion feel free to hold it. I wouldn't describe anyone who chooses to support RWGPS, Strava, cycletravel, Komoot, etc. as a mug. I'm a stronger supporter of RWGPS. I've had a paid subscription for perhaps 9/10 years as I believe in paying for and supporting the services I receive. There are of course those who are happy to take these services for free and then complain when access is suddenly limited. I did once pay Komoot for access to a map area but as I've never really understood or used the service I have never felt the need to pay more. So, yes it is a sad day for Komoot's many thousands of supporters.
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