Also did this as my first 100 miler, plan was to take it steady, make sure I took in regular food and fluid as I'm prone to under fuelling on longer rides and look at the scenery occasionally. Thought it was fantastically well organised and the views stunning, particularly coming down the Crow Road, nearly wobbled off the road staring.
Great feed stops, the flapjack and jelly beans in particular went down well. Though I did wish I was on my full suspension MTB for the road from Loch Katrine back into Aberfoyle...those potholes! There were quite a few sections where I didn't dare take my hands off the bars to warn those behind me, too scared.
For me the worst bit seemed to be from the lunch stop to the bottom of the Crow Road, a bit of a slog into the wind at times on my own. The Crow Road was fine, I actually enjoyed the climb (think the sun was getting to me by then). Only niggle I had was painfully numb feet for the last 20 miles or so. Finished feeling quite strong so think I got the fuelling right for a change.
Surprised myself by getting round in just over 6 and a half hours, 6 hours and five minutes ride time. Apart from the first 10 or so miles at the start I did pretty much all of it on my own so was chuffed with the 16.2 average.