Trivial things that make you annoyed beyond expectations?

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Hotblack Desiato

Well-Known Member
...but what I do dislike at checkouts is when the norbert in front of you stands looking like a lemon as their purchases get slid through - then takes their own sweet time packing them before reaching for their cash/cheque/credit card.



When I am buying stuff and the cashier passes me the money, then the receipt. I have no hands to hold the receipt as I'm trying to put the money in my wallet.

Even worse, when they give me an effin receipt for an effin sandwich FFS aggh.


back and brave
One of out local supermarkets gives out offer coupons too. So you could end up with 4 or more bits of paper (till receipt, card receipt, plus coupons) for your one purchase.


Legendary Member
Talking about checkout tills etiquette, I knew it was coming but thought it was too ridiculous for words anyway. A phone call home on my way back from work indicated we had nothing in to eat so I said I'd get a pizza. I ran into the local Tescos and bought a big, family-sized pizza and dashed to the till. The check-out people must be on auto-pilot and must be programmed to repeat their till-mantra and forbidden to use common sense. 'Would you like help with your packing?' It was ONE item. ONE!!!


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Until this morning when one was so intent on the latest gossip that she gave me change for £3 from £20 when I had tendered £5.
I was undercharged by 20 p by the girl in a Chinese takeaway yesterday. I pointed out a prominent notice about their 20 p surcharge for dishes containing eggs, so she added it all up again and undercharged me by the 20 p again! I tried a third time and she still couldn't concentrate long enough to add the 20 p in so I let her undercharge me by 20 p and then overpaid her by 20 p.

She probably thought I was giving her a tip ... :whistle:


Aldi checkout staff are really good though.

Often have a nice couple of words with them (I wouldn't call it a chat as there's not enough time to do that before I'm served).


North Carolina
People who use the term 'fast lane'. The term itself is a contributory factor to the numbers of deaths on the roads of Britain. And that's not a trivial thing, btw.

I bet more slow drivers in the fast lane contributed to many more deaths than people who used the term fast lane. And that is not a trivial thing either.


West Somerset
People who drive too fast.


Adverts on the BBC news channel. Often they wizz through the weather in 30 seconds and then you have to endure 2 minutes of self promotion about Eastenders before the news headlines. Better weather reports and no soap trailers would improve my well being no end.


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
People who wash up razor sharp kitchen knives and then store them with the blades sticking out of the container on the draining board. It seems that everybody I know does it and I think it is stupid and bloody dangerous! :cursing:

There are two ways to store a knife in such a container:
  1. Handle sticking out - it's safe, and the thing you want to get hold off is there in front of you.
  2. Blade sticking out - it's NOT safe, and the thing you do NOT want to get hold off is sticking out at you. This has become a very sore point recently (forgive the pun!) because I am dosed to the gills with Warfarin and will bleed like a very leaky thing if I get a bad cut! I went to get a mug off a friend's draining board and failed to see a knife blade which happened to be pointing straight at me so there was hardly anything to see. The knife blade put a shallow scratch right across the back of my hand, but by some miracle failed to cut it. I got a major strop on about it, especially when I was told to watch where I was putting my hands! :wacko:
knives go down, forks and spoons go up, it's simple!


Legendary Member
Precisely, that is what happens when slow drivers get into the fast lane.
There is no such thing as a 'fast lane'. That's a mentality that contributes to the toll on British roads. You've made that mistake too often.


North Carolina
There is no such thing as a 'fast lane'. That's a mentality that contributes to the toll on British roads. You've made that mistake too often.

Call it what you like, fast lane, passing lane, overtaking lane. Holding up the flow of traffic is a problem that can and does cause fatalities. You are making the mistake of taking a word and trying to twist the point of the post...again.
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