Trivial things that make you annoyed beyond expectations?

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Well-Known Member
Way out West
Appearing to sneeze more frequently whilst having backache, causing shooting pain. Trying to hold back the sneeze is annoying too.

Strap yourself to a post.


Active Member
Not trivial, but definitely annoying. Travel insurance small print.
#1 offered no cover for delayed baggage.
#2 offered no cover for missed connections.
#3 covered road cycling but offered no medical cover in case of an accident.
#4 finally! Although I'll go through them again with a fine toothed comb. It's been a long afternoon. 😡


Well-Known Member
Way out West
A firing squad seems a bit unnecessary.

My thinking was that the bend that often ensues a sneeze may be aggravating his back. Given that the 'atishoo' followed immediately by 'oooow' would be alleviated. Seen as he is in my attic, I really need to try and reduce the racket. There are plenty of beams in the loft to utilise. I'' post some cable ties through the gap in the loft hatch for him.


Well-Known Member
Way out West
Not trivial, but definitely annoying. Travel insurance small print.
#1 offered no cover for delayed baggage.
#2 offered no cover for missed connections.
#3 covered road cycling but offered no medical cover in case of an accident.
#4 finally! Although I'll go through them again with a fine toothed comb. It's been a long afternoon. 😡

You really do need insurance if you're going to Skegness again Blakey. Are you flying to Humberside?
Shades of Time Team. Every week "we found evidence of some small walls - everyone's really excited!"

Yes - and Ground Penetrating Radar survey that scans a huge area and never finds anything - from what I remember!!!

I have seena few places that are quite interesting with a bit of imagination

The top of Conwy mountain has a hill fort - just a pile of stone surrounded by lots of other stones
but if you know "the experts" say it is an old hill fort them then you can make out the lines and stuff
and it is great for telling the kids about and stopping them saying "I'm bored" while you stop at the top for a drink and a rest!!
I had an application form this morning to apply to volunteer for Age UK

tried filling it in using LibreOffice - no good
tried Google Docs - better - but all the text boxes come up as drawings

weird thing

I think the concept is that you print it out and do it by hand then someone in their office types it all into a computer system

I have been working with computer wince 1981 - and some before that during my degree - and I find it very annoying to do this when it would be easy to design a system that just moved the form into the database

but no - form designed by someone who doesn;t know enough to do it properly

When I was unemployed - and when I only had part time jobs - I got a lot of these - some from proper IT companies
I generally spent ages changing the whole form so it worked - and got a few interviews based just on the form

anyway - my wife has Microshaft Office on her computer - I might try that!
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