That's why I rarely go to the pub, hard work dealing with "people".
Would rather have a pint at home!.
I really hate this too. Some places there's room for 10 people at the bar, and they might have 3 bar staff on the go. But stupid people who stand or sit at the bar drinking, only leaves room for one person at a time to order. Then when you have to muscle in beside a "stander", they look at you like you've just walked into their lounge at home and p*ssed on their kids
No, that gives you the colours in completely the wrong order.![]()
Not to mention that ‘indigo’ was only added to give a nice number of ‘seven’ to the colours . . .
I heard it was so there would be the same number of colours in the spectrum as there are notes in the heptatonic scale.
A Science teacher I used to work with used to go mad at the rainbow song all kids learn in Primary school
Whenever he asked kids for the order of the colours of the rainbow SOME always replied
red and yellow and pink and green orange purple and blue
it's quite simple to remember just use the mnemonic
Virgins In Bed Give You Odd Reactions
although I don;t think I ever told the kids that specific version - normally looked another one up on the WWW
Possibly, when Back To The Future came out, one of my old, saner, science teachers got the nickname "Doc Brown".You lot had some strange teachers. Whatever happened to Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain?
Posh people speaking far too loudly in public gets up my hooter.
Posh people speaking far too loudly in public gets up my hooter.
Cyclists who insist on having their front light 30 degree heat, big bright yellow thing in a blue sky & I'm wearing mirrored sunglasses. And its always people with a 5 billion lumen light, capable of illuminating Gollum's entire cave...