I've tried to let this go,but i just can't! While driving along narrow streets last night i had two very annoying incidents. Both involving 'will not indicate,dodderer drivers. The first incident came about when i got to the end of a street to see a car appear from my left. I was indicating my intention of turning left,but this car wasn't moving or indicating. Eventually the old biddy driving it decided to let me know her intentions and put her right side indicator on. So,she wanted to turn right and not carry on ahead as her lack of indication made me think!

Then a few minutes later i saw a car approaching ahead,on another narrow street i was on. This street is like many, too narrow for cars to pass each other,so i pulled over to my left to let the approaching vehicle pass on my right. As the vehicle came towards me it stopped. I looked at the old berk driving it. He looked clueless. He wanted to turn right which i sussed when again i was met with much delayed indicating. So i had to reverse a few yards to let the idiot turn right. If i'd have known the old berk was intending to turn right i would've sat back to let him go,but i thought seeing as he wasn't indicating that he wanted to pass me so that's why i moved forward to let him have the road. This is very difficult to imagine without diagrams. I hope i've described it well enough.🧐