Transcontinental Race

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Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
That's almost the nightmare dilemma scenario - it's dark, you don't know how whether it's even out there to find. How much time will it cost you proving your movements to the Umpires if you DONT retrieve it? Are you too tired to think about this??
Presumably if they have a working phone, then they can at least see it still works and get a starting location to search, so their security deposit isn't lost yet.


Legendary Member
Cap 199 my old audax mate Will is within walking distance of the finish - but needs to keep riding to hold onto 5th place. Woo-hoo!!!

That's a hell of an achievement,

although it appears he's heading for 4th* and wearing 119.

* maybe be the 4th / 5th confusion, no idea what this means.....

Finished outside of General Classification​

  • 1st Anatole Naimi (Winner)

Ian H

Ancient randonneur
Buck Jnr is riding, whilst Buck Snr is doing something similarly strenuous across the States, but solo on an old MTB.
That's a hell of an achievement,

although it appears he's heading for 4th* and wearing 119.

* maybe be the 4th / 5th confusion, no idea what this means.....

Finished outside of General Classification​

  • 1st Anatole Naimi (Winner)

Just seen a solid rumour on the FB group - penalised for too much group riding. I think he finished last night, and he posted that he knew he was no longer in GC.
Purely IMHO, that's no big deal - I mean it's a fair cop, but he probably chose to ride in company for fun, so he'll know he's still done the ride fair-n-square.
(I think there is typically a GC finishers list, and a separate - shorter - non-GC. Many of the latter will simply be out of time at some/all CPs.

Will still beat him! :biggrin:
Buck Jnr is riding, whilst Buck Snr is doing something similarly strenuous across the States, but solo on an old MTB.

Goodo - I'd forgotten about him! gives me someone knew to follow. I see he's v recently reached CP3 [Austria/Slovenia], about 10h inside the cut-off?
Doh - he was a day and 10h inside - it's noon today, isn't it! Lots of riders have paced themselves VERY well to CP3.

It's clear that this race - just as I found in the back half of TPR - isn't "raced" by many; riders just want to make the cutoffs. It's exactly like Audax in that sense, just badged as an "Ultra race"
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Some real close times in the top 11

... and the lead two women are playing sleep-stop leapfrog!


Legendary Member
A shout out for Han Lu who finished the TCR yesterday as the Lanterne Rouge after 30 days. Han Lu is Vietnamese and was awarded a Mike Hall Bursary for this race. She is totally new to bikepacking. In Slovenia it rained constantly for days on end. Further toward Greece it was 30+degrees for days on end. The majority of the time she was by herself, riding an average of 125km each day.

There is a lot to be said for the riders who finish up the front. But riders like Han Lu give hope to riders who can only dream of achieving something like this. It shows with tenacity, anyone can do it.

I dont know how much the Mike Hall Bursary played in Han Lu continuing to the end. But Lost Dot could not have chosen a better recipient had they tried.

When Mike Hall made his videos he alluded to the fact that although it was a race, he wanted riders to have an adventure. I think he would be pleased to see that someone carrying a bursary in his name just refused to give up

Its been an inspirational ride.

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