Rich and I were the last to leave the pub and were only a minute or so behind the others... it's ok I had the route in my Garmin and knew where I was going - my navigational skills and sense of direction were proven to be excellent once again as we made it 5 mins up the road and realised we had missed a turn
Back down the hill and we were met by LD who had dispatched himself from the group, to find the strays from his flock. What followed was a wonderful long climb, the likes of which I have not encountered before. The summit was eventually reached and it may have been an Alpine pass for all I cared. It looked fairly similar, in my mind anyway
Another great downhill bit and another one or 2 big proper climbs, with some great roads that followed the path of a river and we descended around a reservoir, before climbing up again and encountering a worried looking young couple, hanging around in a car park, who agreed to take a group shot photo of us, with a dam in the background.
For me, this section of the ride from the top of the very long hill (after the pub) to the dusk in the Elan Valley, was the best part
Darkness begain to threaten and although we were making excellent progress, with zero visitations and no mechanicals, it was looking like a dark descent of the valley and some more of the trademark leg-burners, before the next signs of civilisation were suddenly encountered - we were back in Rhayader and the end was in sight! Time was pressing onward and we were all eager to get back to the promise of hot food and alcohol
We're on the fast, main road again that Banjo had pulled the group along, a mere 10 hours before and I was trying to conserve battery power in my complaining Garmin, by not allowing myself the luxury of switching on the backlight. It's a straight road without a turnoff for a few miles and I will let my legs tell me my speed...
*it's pitch black and traffic is quite fast on this road*
*I can catch a front light out of the corner of my eye - all good they are still there*
*This doesn't feel uphill - feels quite fast but going well - light is still there*
Me: Hello - are we all together?
Voice from the darkness: You what?
Me: Are we all together?
Voice from the darkness: Yeah
Me: Ok, cool
Voice from the darkness: Yeah, I mean you and me are...
Me: Oh, ah..., er...
*risk a glance over my shoulder and it's Rich*
Me: Ahh, and I thought I was doling a sterling job of bringing us all home in a line!
Rich: You were - a good job of bring me home, to my dinner!
Anyway - the turn off for CC, his bro and Pubbers is coming up so we soft pedal a few hundred yards and the catch is made just before the slip road to Llandridnod Wells is upon us. We stop and have a final little regroup before saying our goodbyes and the parties split, with LD leading the remainders to Newbridge. The lights of the village are soon upon us and we dump the bikes unceremoniously outside the pub, before a quick 2 pints of 'brown beer', then a shower.
To be continued...