Trains: Wallet can't take the strain? Coach it.

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I'm just looking into this:

Leicester to Heathrow, 2 adults, return.

Coach £77 direct

Train £244 + tube transfer St Pancras/Paddington

I wonder which one I will take


Morrisette said:
Hmmm yes I know. And now the 'Guided bus' is being built over 30 miles of the old track, any chance of it reopening (however unlikely) is now gone.;)

The guided bus is mostly on a different route- current proposals for the East West route will use the existing line to Hitchin. The main problem for the Cambridge Oxford route is between Bedford and Sandy, where the LA has approved a rowing lake across the old track bed. Not that the Treasury want to fund any re-openings in England, so they are probably quite happy to let disused trackbeds get severed. Hence the ludicrously short sighted decision to let the Woodhead tunnel be used for power lines.:biggrin:
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