training with asthma

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Sounds like it's not properly under control. My asthma clinic gave me some tips and my usage of the Blue one is down by a huge amount. Like others a pull of the Blue one if I'm feeling at all 'tight' before I ride works a treat.

Thats exactly the problem, from what I can make out of posts.

Put trust in what the Asthma nurse says becs, the more regimented you become in using a "preventer inhaler" the less you will need the reliever. Its not instant results keep at it.


New Member
I find the brown one does nothing for me! I stuck at it for about 3 months and noticed no difference!

My asthma is brought on by cold weather\dust\smoke and also when i dont warm up properly.

I do a little 10 mile circuit around my town, and if i dont take it easy for the first 5 minutes, then the whole ride is buggered, not even the blue inhaler can save me!

But I find when i really do warm up slow and steady, so much so that i dont even need to take an inhaler, then i am on top performance for the rest of the ride!
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