Training with ankle weights on

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As long as I breathe, I attack.

in short your best to just pedal harder and faster with intervals.

to quote the cannibal "Don't buy upgrades; ride up grades"


Active Member
Hi all,
Sorry for resurrecting this thread but I have a question about ankle weights...

Whilst I understand that they may be of limited or no benefit during cycling, would they be of benefit if they (5kg per leg) were worn on a daily basis when not training but doing usual tasks such as walking around?

Any thoughts / experience?



depends how much walking you do in a typical day. if you sit at your desk most of your time, there will be major benefit.

5KG is a reasonable weight to have on your ankles, and i could see it building/toning up your quads. How much this would benefit cycling is the million dollar question though, but i cant see it not helping :smile:


Rainbows aren't just for world champions
Northern Ireland
I know this idea might be a very strange one. So strange that it might illicit some WTF? expressions on peoples faces.

Why not seek to improve riding a bike, by riding a bike? If anyone can quantify how making your legs 10kg heavier will improve your CV system, I am all ears.

(In before Licramites levitating aerobar position)


TM, i suspect the OP has posted because he is thinking about trying to gain something from wearing weights while in his day job.

I cant see it hurting, question is how much benefit it would be for cycling though.


haha, i meant upstream who resurrected the thread :biggrin:


God Almighty
I'd say that ankle weights are likely to make your legs more tired than usual, meaning that your training will be less effective, assuming a high intensity/volume.
If you don't ride all that much, then go for it


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Scuse my ignorance but won't wearing weights around your ankles tend to develop the muscles used to lift the legs more than the muscles used to push the pedals down? Lifting the legs doesn't seem to me to be a power thingummy on the bike.


Rural Quebec
Going about your daily business with ankle weights will give you problems with your back and core so I don't think it is a good idea. In all probability you would get more benefit from extra intense time on the bike. Leg weights are good for stretching leg muscles (abductors for example) but not for the use you suggest. In the olden days we would run in army boots rather than trainers but all this did was make what could be fun into torture.
You mean you didn't know the best way to climb hills is on a stationary bike, resting on the aero bars, with your arse out of your saddle, and a fan behind you to give a tail wind?
I use two fans for the extra tail. Much more convenient than attempting to predict the scottish weather! :whistle:
Alternatively if you want to even things out put one fan at front and one at back. The purist in me suggests that this is the least cheating method as there is no tail wind.
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