From my archives
I know that Land Rover offered supplementary/coupled air-brake systems for certain uses, on the Defenders (primarily 110 & 130 models for 4-ton towing, as the legal limit on 'over-runs' (the type fitted to caravans & trailers over 750kg
I think I still have a Special Vehicles catalogue somewhere that features the air-brake system (& price)
This is the department of LR that used to finish off all of the Autobiography Range Rovers
Seen that baefore, it makes maneouvring easy, for pitching
The idea was perfected decades ago, Stobarts efforts are useless, I give you the Scammel Scarab,
The idea was perfected decades ago, Stobarts efforts are useless, I give you the Scammel Scarab,
Designed to turn on a six pence in built up areas, it could go down a narrow cul de sac, and do a U turn and drive back out again, with I believe 3 & 6 ton capacities available
I always had that feeling that Beetles never had the strength to pull the skin off a rice pudding, let alone pull a caravan
My mate had a 1300 Beetle, we once tried going up Wrynose Pass, it would have been quicker walking!I always had that feeling that Beetles never had the strength to pull the skin off a rice pudding, let alone pull a caravan
I got home to see it waiting on the door-stepAn old friend told me, via FaceBook, that I'd start buying parts/accessories for the 'BWSOW', now we have another
I told her no, it'd just be on a replacement/necessity basis
She mocked me, when I 'fessed up to ordering a solar-panel trickle-charger to hook up, whilst it's in storage![]()