<<Hovis soundtrack playing int he background throughout this thread>>
Spirograph. Bring out your biros. Let's get creative. Not.
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The Thomas Salter Adventure Kit.
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Aged eight maybe, I had this bad boy strapped to me the whole summer. Knew where I was headed, what time it was, and how I could get back in the dark once I had looked at things from afar and blown my whistle to alert others and taken some snaps of things. Nicely plasticky, and quite a lot of the components broke quite soon after purchase. The second summer I recall feeling far less adventurous, and had to make do with staying in our road.
Etch-a-sketch? Yes.
Spud gun? Deffo.
Cap gun? what? cant hear you. Cap went off right by my ear.
A bow and arrows with suckers on the end, to fire at the garage door. Splonk. Splonk. Splonk.......Splonk
Six Million Dollar Man. Bionic arm and eye and that little plastic engine he could lift. Wow.
('Its raining. We all going round yours?) Connect Four! Kerplunk! Buckaroo! Burning holes in the nylon bedroom carpet with the chemistry set
Klackers? No.
I wanted but never got: pogo stick; roller skates; space hopper; chopper. Plenty in the road had them, and sharing was often okay if you had something to swap.
One last one I really liked" Matchbox Superfast with the double loop track.
Here it is look!
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