Surely if it gets people cycling, it isn't a bad thing?
If they don't last past Paris (as it were) then it's their loss. I just give any cyclist a wave or hello (I work on the basis that it shows the cycling family is a friendly bunch.. and it makes me happy too )
It's affecting people in different ways.
As I was riding tonight, a man in a devil costume jumped out and other shoppers draped flags over me, cheered and banged clappy sticks.
It's affecting people in different ways.
As I was riding tonight, a man in a devil costume jumped out and other shoppers draped flags over me, cheered and banged clappy sticks.
Whats the difference between Team Lycra and a footie shirt?
Can't believe the extra amount of bodies I see on my usual 3 times weekly route. Team lycra seems compulsory...I almost feel like leaving the bike in the shed for 3 weeks while these part timers get over themselves.
I got cheered by a bunch of small boys on my Sunday ride. Mind you they could have been shouting abuse, I couldn't really hear.