No, you're not wrong - I thought the same, and I find it somehow deeply unpleasant. Drunken pillocks doing it is bad enough, but when it's children, often quite young ones at that, screaming in the face of an adult, no. What the hell are the parents doing allowing it? They clearly can't control their children, or they are condoning it - and this is post Ventoux events, it's not like they don't know what can happen.
A couple of days ago, a skinny kid was running alongside a rider for a good 100 metres - thankfully, another spectator in a AG2R top yanked him to one side - I've wondered since if the kids father went lumbering up the hill, saying 'Oi, get yer 'ands off our lad or al batter yer...'...
Some little snot made a fake 'lunge' at Froome yesterday, with fists clenched - he must have been all of 11 or 12 at the most.