Tour de France 2013 *spoilers*

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Cat 6 Racer
The Red Enclave
So for me it's Trentin (and/or the guy before him), who is/are more to blame

Yeah, ok, I'll go along with that. Boonen would have been useful for this.

Is it my imagination or have we not seen much this year of Tony Martin dragging the peloton along at ferocious pace for most of the last 10km? Maybe his injuries are hampering him. It's allowing too many other teams to get in on the act - though, to be fair, Argos are looking very strong and well organised, so maybe it's just that they've got the better team right now.

EDIT: Of course, if you have Renshaw, you can put Steegmans one position up and probably have a better train

You know who he really needs to bring back as his lead out man? Andre Greipel. ^_^

Hip Priest

The key question is whether Cav is putting out less power / going slower than normal. If this is the case, then it just an issue of form & fitness (he's been ill) and can be overcome. However, if Cav is in top form and Kittel is simply beating him, then it's a different matter.

I suspect the former.


One shouldn't ignore Kittel in the search for why, it's not just about Cavendish maybe lacking form. Kittel is in top form and is clearly a man to watch... despite his bouf and specs reminding me of someone else



rubbish uphill, downhill 'balast' make me fast
got back last night at 11pm after 3 days at the tour.

what an experience, i can't believe how easy it all was, day 1 we just drove towards st malo, we saw a sign for free bus and it was that easy, parked up and caught the bus right into town. walked to about the 1km banner as the finish line was crowded.

favourite pic of day 1


Day two we had 35 mile ride around town then to the corner just after the 3k banner. got some great pics

photo 1.JPG



day 3 we went to the start again just drove towards the town, this time pulled up in a side street and walked about half a mile and we were there.
photo 2.JPG

all in all it was ridiculously easy to find and watch the event. brilliant few days


Über Member
Well the bookies are still making Cav the favourite for today, best odds I could get were 2-1. So not worth the punt I think.

Still, if anyone is willing to offer me 4-1 I have one £10 bet I'd happily make ^_^


Anyone see the 2 hour documentary on cav last night? Probably been on before but it's the first somewhere in the IK time I've seen it.

I thought he lived in Italy now? His house seemed to be in the UK. To be fair I'm sure he has a few pads.

Hope he is paying his fair share of taxes.:whistle:


The key question is whether Cav is putting out less power / going slower than normal. If this is the case, then it just an issue of form & fitness (he's been ill) and can be overcome. However, if Cav is in top form and Kittel is simply beating him, then it's a different matter.

I suspect the former.

Cue the documentary last night when he said it's pointless trying to measure his power. They have tried to replicate it (under synthetic conditions) and failed. His power is driver from within (desire to win).

The Couch

Über Member
Why is the guy on Eurosport talking like a French guy speaking English when he was mimicking an Italian reporter describing Coppi finishing first on Alpe d'Huez?

EDIT: I guess needing to fill all those hours talking makes you say some weird stuff sometimes :smile:
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