Tour de France 2013 *spoilers*

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rich p

ridiculous old lush
You know, we've picked on Cofidis in this thread (and effing Taaramae is still yet to register a single point in the fantasy league) but at least they have a rider in the top ten on GC.

BMC, on the other hand, have had an absolute nightmare of a Tour, their highest-placed rider being Morabito in 35th. Apart from a few valiant-but-futile efforts from Tejay, they've given Andy Rihs a very poor return for his not inconsiderable investment.

I think yesterday's stage was possibly the first time I'd even noticed Gilbert was in the race.

Cuddles' days as team leader are surely numbered now.
We'll have a debrief tomorrow maybe when it's all over, Smutch, but apart from a 2nd place by Fuglsang on one stage Astana have been pretty anonymous.
I'm inclined to agree on Cuddles but he did finish 3rd (and a gear slip away from 2nd) on the Giro in May. The two events may of course be cause and effect!


Cat 6 Racer
The Red Enclave
I'm inclined to agree on Cuddles but he did finish 3rd (and a gear slip away from 2nd) on the Giro in May. The two events may of course be cause and effect!

Fair point. Not sure what Tejay's excuse is though. Maybe feeling the weight of expectation... Don't want to be too harsh on him though because I'm sure he'll come good in the long run.


The Borough

Andrew Br

Still part of the team !
We're having steak frites then friends are coming round and we're popping the Champagne although I'm currently feeling distinctly second hand after my mum's 70th b/day celebrations yesterday.
A large G&T has helped the recovery :thumbsup:



Hello there
Oh my

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