'kin 'ell :laugh:
Chris.IOW Well-Known Member Location Cowes, Isle of Wight 22 Jul 2012 #2,417 YEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. That was textbook, Wiggo and EBH you legends. Well done to everyone involved with Team Sky, the Perfect day.
YEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. That was textbook, Wiggo and EBH you legends. Well done to everyone involved with Team Sky, the Perfect day.
aJohnson Senior Member Location Bury, Manchester 22 Jul 2012 #2,418 He was on the front at the final corner and he still managed to keep the lead and win, that's amazing.
He was on the front at the final corner and he still managed to keep the lead and win, that's amazing.
ianrauk Tattooed Beat Messiah Location Rides Ti2 22 Jul 2012 #2,419 was always going to be. Well done Cav and well done Wiggo.
Ajay Veteran Location Lancaster 22 Jul 2012 #2,421 shoot!!!! as Alan Partridge would say, TOTAL SPORT
Orange Active Member Location Northamptonshire 22 Jul 2012 #2,422 Fantastic! Crushing charge by Cav. Brilliant to see Wiggo leading the whole field at the 1km to go marker.
Fantastic! Crushing charge by Cav. Brilliant to see Wiggo leading the whole field at the 1km to go marker.
ComedyPilot Secret Lemonade Drinker Location The Kingdom of Yorkshire 22 Jul 2012 #2,424 I've just aged........
yello back and brave Location France 22 Jul 2012 #2,425 Blimey I was a tad worried there! I thought he'd gone too soon! Brilliant Cavendish, top top performance! The overhead showed it to be comfortable in the end.
Blimey I was a tad worried there! I thought he'd gone too soon! Brilliant Cavendish, top top performance! The overhead showed it to be comfortable in the end.
Nearly there Veteran Location Cumbria 22 Jul 2012 #2,426 Goss greipel sagan bow down and kiss cavs ring and he aint wearing no jewellery
ohnovino Large Member Location Liverpool 22 Jul 2012 #2,427 More Tour stage wins than any other sprinter in history!
ComedyPilot Secret Lemonade Drinker Location The Kingdom of Yorkshire 22 Jul 2012 #2,429 Strugging to type for tears, and can't speak cos of a lump in my throat......
StuAff Silencing his legs regularly Location Portsmouth 22 Jul 2012 #2,430 What a finish! Top job by all at Sky, delighted Cav le domestique got his reward. Same again next week?
What a finish! Top job by all at Sky, delighted Cav le domestique got his reward. Same again next week?