Hard of hearing..I said Herd of Herring..oh FFS..
- Location
- County Durham
Not really understanding why all the anger and offence is necessary on the thread.
Its because LYB read the word dog and saw red as usual.
Not really understanding why all the anger and offence is necessary on the thread.
I think you might want to look to the OP.
sorry but did you understand the op? he EXPECTED to be thanked by all for keeping an UNLEASHED animal under control, in fact he ranted about it. i'm annoyed because i ride the l&l canal quite a bit and i know what a nuisance UNLEASHED dogs are and have been nearly unbalanced into the canal by dogs. WHY do you think idiots who have UNLEASHED animals should be thanked? i am totally exasperated, i really am, do you thank cars for stopping at pelican crossings? or for stopping at roundabouts?
So sad. You totally miss the point. Let's subsitute dog with small child. Is your attuitude still the same? Bear in mind that the Leeds Liverpool Canal towpath is covered by the British Waterways code of conduct for cyclists which means that pedestrians always have priority so someone who waits for you to pass is actually going above and beyond too. As for calling a dog to heel, the owner is acting in a responsible manner to prevent an accident. I would also like to point out that by letting the dog off the lead in a safe environment like a towpath gives it a lot more stimulation and exercise than keeping it leashed. In just the same way that allowing cyclists to use towpaths gives them more stimulation and exercise. Both have the same valid reasons to use that route. Towpaths are not public places, they are private, owned by British waterways, and the public are allowed to use them providing they abide by the relvent codes of conduct and obtain the relevant permits where necessary.
I read the original post and yes, he was a bit more cross than normal, but yes I thank dog/child owners for moving their dogs/kids as a lot of them don't bother these days. Same with pedestrians on shared paths on the "wrong side" - if they move over, I thank them.
I do thank cars that stop at zebra crossings, as a lot of them don't, even though it's a legal requirement. It's not a legal requirement for dogs to be on a leash everywhere, so yup, I will thank them.
Roundabouts?! If they even bother to indicate which exit they are taking I'm on the verge of tears with gratitude, so of they let me go, a quick wave and a smile diesn't hurt me.
The op is having a rant on a forum, it's not like he shouted at the cyclists or smeared dog poo in their faces, is it. It's just a "what happened to please and thank you?" rant that I often have myself.
And that code states that you can use it if you keep the animal under control. So the OP does that he is obliged to do, and yet wants to be thanked?
plus nobody is having a go at the op for threatening to intentionally leave 'his well behaved staffi' to risk hurting a cyclist or other towpath user.
the op is arrogant and quite vexatious when he doesn't get, what he perceives to be his god given right, i.e he can't enjoy a walk down HIS canal towpath with his dog out of control (and i'm guessing shitting where it feels like) without pesky cyclists ruining his god given rights.
But what's wrong with thanking someone for doing something they're obliged to do? I actually don't understand this.
sorry but i read it differently, he basically said because he didn't get what he thought he deserved he was going to let his dog run wild. with regards to not legally needing to keep the dog on a lead in the first place, please read the british waterways website. if an unleashed dog has you off on the canal bank, no win no fees solicitors will have field day taking your money off you.
plus, why, if he is such a nice fella, does he have his dog of the leash in a narrow public place in the first place.
Also, pedestrians, anywhere, have priority. It might be annoying, but it's the bottom of a very important pyramid, which denies the idea that might is right, and I for one am thankful for it.
WTF Seriously ?????????????????the sheer arrogance of the op is stunning and selfish on so many levels.
I always give a nod of thanks to anyone who moves their dog out of the way for me. Okay, they're doing what they're supposed to do, but there's no harm in a bit of friendly interaction.
It's worth bearing in mind that bicycles are the cars of shared paths.