Too Cold

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Legendary Member
Properly cold out there today - glad I dodged the commute in it!

Looks like we might get a bit of sun at lunchtime tomorrow, then a lot warmer and potentially wet next week.. which tbh will be a welcome change as long as it doesn't hammer it down / I can dodge the worst of it.

As much as I've appreciated some aspects of the recent weather, it was starting to take it's toll somewhat..

Storm Isha about to hit West Scotland, 50mph wind and biblical rain forecast, I'll take the cold dry weather thank you very much 🌧️😟


Not bothered about the cold. Very bothered about icy roads.
Good god I could not get warm on todays ride. 4 layers as per last week (which was apparently colder) but the icy wind cut right through me. Need to invest in better windproof outer layers.


I went out for a run last night in minus 23 (minus 30 with wind chill) up here in Swedish Lapland are there were locals out cycling.

I guess it is just being prepared for the conditions.

They have better clothes to cope with it.
A few years ago I had a Snug pack military puffa coat and that went down to about minus 20 or so.


Über Member
Normandy, France
After two weeks of minimal cycling, due to ice and snow. I was already to go out this morning only to find black ice everywhere. It wasn't forecast and I was really disappointed. Can't get out later today and tomorrow is forecast really windy. I think I will have to buy an indoor trainer.
After two weeks of minimal cycling, due to ice and snow. I was already to go out this morning only to find black ice everywhere. It wasn't forecast and I was really disappointed. Can't get out later today and tomorrow is forecast really windy

I'm a bit west of you @nagden (in central Brittany) and I've just come back from a 90-minute ride without any problems. No frost or black ice - the roads are a bit damp and the wind is strengthening but it was a really nice ride. It's already 11C at mid-day (it was minus 4C here yesterday morning) and it looks like staying mild through to the start of February.

I haven't missed a day on the bike this year - but I go out in all weathers.

Hope it gets milder in Normandy soon - bon courage.


The Glue that binds us together.
Now i am retired i don't ride in the cold, been there and done that when i was working, now a fair weather cyclist. i do miss riding in the winter, tend to lose a bit of fitness, but hey ho,

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
Quite warm here now, but it's blowing a gale!
Random stuff has landed in my front garden.
Glad I was off today, I'm off tomorrow too ^_^
Hopefully it will have calmed down by Tuesday am :bicycle:


Über Member
Normandy, France
I'm a bit west of you @nagden (in central Brittany) and I've just come back from a 90-minute ride without any problems. No frost or black ice - the roads are a bit damp and the wind is strengthening but it was a really nice ride. It's already 11C at mid-day (it was minus 4C here yesterday morning) and it looks like staying mild through to the start of February.

I haven't missed a day on the bike this year - but I go out in all weathers.

Hope it gets milder in Normandy soon - bon courage.
I'm a bit west of you @nagden (in central Brittany) and I've just come back from a 90-minute ride without any problems. No frost or black ice - the roads are a bit damp and the wind is strengthening but it was a really nice ride. It's already 11C at mid-day (it was minus 4C here yesterday morning) and it looks like staying mild through to the start of February.

I haven't missed a day on the bike this year - but I go out in all weathers.

Hope it gets milder in Normandy soon - bon courage.

Hi. I’m am an all weather rider, but it has just been too dangerous. We have had almost sub zero temperatures every day for almost 2 weeks. I have got out a couple of afternoons when it has risen just above freezing, even then in sheltered places there was still a lot of ice. Yesterday the roads were covered in black ice even though the roads had been previously salted. Fortunately this morning the temperature was 6 degrees and I got out even though the wind was blowing a gale. Hope you weren’t to affected by last nights storm.
Fortunately this morning the temperature was 6 degrees and I got out even though the wind was blowing a gale. Hope you weren’t to affected by last nights storm.

Yes - it's a lot warmer today. I've had a couple of very windy rides either side of lunch - no damage that I could see from Isha, thanks: I think Storm Ciaran took down anything that was likely to fall (Ciaran was a lot worse than last night).

The first half of January was unseasonably cold here too - and none of the roads in Brittany are ever gritted or salted (perhaps with the exception of the autoroutes). Doesn't worry me as I stick to country lanes on one of my MTBs when it's icy - and 90% of the drivers are local and know me - so they slow down, give me a wave, a shouted 'bonjour' ... and a wide berth.

I hope you can profit from the milder weather - and push those thoughts of an indoor trainer to the back of your mind.


Über Member
Normandy, France
Yes - it's a lot warmer today. I've had a couple of very windy rides either side of lunch - no damage that I could see from Isha, thanks: I think Storm Ciaran took down anything that was likely to fall (Ciaran was a lot worse than last night).

The first half of January was unseasonably cold here too - and none of the roads in Brittany are ever gritted or salted (perhaps with the exception of the autoroutes). Doesn't worry me as I stick to country lanes on one of my MTBs when it's icy - and 90% of the drivers are local and know me - so they slow down, give me a wave, a shouted 'bonjour' ... and a wide berth.

I hope you can profit from the milder weather - and push those thoughts of an indoor trainer to the back of your mind.

I hope I can get away without an indoor trainer, the thought doesn’t appeal to me but after a very poor two weeks I felt my fitness level drop. Same here with roads. Some were cleared with a snow plough but I think that makes them worse. Enjoy your cycling in Brittany a lovely part of France.
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