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Yeti said:
Magnatom, you obviously don't watch Star Trek much - your sig is incorrect.

it's "We are the Borg" :wacko:

Anyway, congratulations on you appearance on STV, they appear to have do a good job of skewing your appearance to your point of view. They could just as easily have shown a bunch of different videos and made you the bad guy.

Never trust the media, unless you ARE the media ;-)

You wouldn't happen to be yeti from a particular car modification site would you?


New Member
I'm Yeti on most car modification sites.


New Member
Yeti said:
I'm Yeti on most car modification sites.

The "Yeti" who posted this?


As for 'death threats' - I didn't say someone should kill him, I just said someone should run him over.

Yeti, if you have an opinion you should be able to defend it and argue your case.

Yeti, threatening to use your vehicle as a weapon against cyclists and report people to their employers for voicing an opinion strikes me as cowardly, what do you think?
Yeti said:
I'm Yeti on most car modification sites.

So what's your ride? A lowered nova with an old tin of beans glued onto the exhuast pipe?

Car modification? what's wrong with you? car manufacturers spend millions designing cars and then some west coast schemie comes along and puts a big shark fin on the back WTF?


Maybe, just maybe, "I am the borg" is ironic; like "we are all individuals". That's what I thought anyway but I guess you might not have considered that. Not that it's unusual for a car driver not to consider a cyclist.


Thinking about it, I have never had any incidents with what I would class as a modified car. I think the last thing anyone who modifies a car would want to do is damage it. So in fact you guys are probably some of the safest on the road! :wacko:

I really don't have a problem with anyone who wants to do that. Not my cup of tea, for sure, but if people enjoy doing it fair enough. There are some on here who like pimping up their bikes.....


I'm sure the comments are meant in jest. However, it's not particularly nice to be on the receiving end, especially when I have a family to think of.


yello said:
Maybe, just maybe, "I am the borg" is ironic; like "we are all individuals". That's what I thought anyway but I guess you might not have considered that. Not that it's unusual for a car driver not to consider a cyclist.

No, I just got it wrong! Oh well, I think I will just leave it as it is and I will claim it was being ironic from now on!:biggrin:


Middle of the pack...
S Yorks
magnatom said:
No, I just got it wrong! Oh well, I think I will just leave it as it is and I will claim it was being ironic from now on!:biggrin:


The Scoobies, etc. I've had no probs.

The ones that think getting a 200 quid car and sticking a big bore exhaust on it constitutes the epitome of cool....


gambatte said:

The Scoobies, etc. I've had no probs.

The ones that think getting a 200 quid car and sticking a big bore exhaust on it constitutes the epitome of cool....

Ah, but then, that's probably the same as lumping all cyclists together. I am sure the enthusiast that really love their cars are probably careful drivers. Who would want to damage their pride and joy. In fact I am sure I can remember a few occasions when a very modded car has given me plenty of room or respect and I have been pleasantly surprised.

I think it is like I have said before (and SOHSS has said recently as well :biggrin:), there are bad apples in every walk of life. We shouldn't generalise about any road user, cultural group etc...


New Member
Yeti, surely it's in everyone's interests to encourage better behaviour on the roads?

You have an incentive to protect your modified car (if you have one) from idiot drivers, cyclists have an incentive to avoid being crushed or crippled by idiot drivers.

Disagree with magna by all means, but why threaten to hurt someone who's done nothing to you?


Just to add, it would appear that Sky have changed their news item for the better after Cab and I contacted them :biggrin:

I have asked for a retraction, but I'm not sure I will get that.....:biggrin:


New Member
Whilst I'd never genuinely advocate running over a cyclist, there are those who would.

I am a cyclist. I presently have no driving licence. I have two vehicles, neither of which is a modified Nova or Corsa.

I have a VW LT50 recovery truck, a Mitsubishi Starion (neither of which is hevily modified), and a mountain bike which cost a grand total of £30. I can't even get a set of brake pads for the motor vehicles for that.

My point is, to many it seems that the bad driving magnatom wanted to point out in the videos has been over-ridden (if you'll pardon the pun) by his attitude in some of the videos.

Flagging down a motorist to give him a flea in the ear is the police's job, not yours.

It seems that in many of the videos simply having to share the same piece of tarmac with a car is too much stress for you.

I've been hit by car while on my bike twice, once when I was a kid, riding on the pavement, and the other just last year, when I had moved out into 'the primary position' before turning left. The driver cut up the left to park (illegally) on zig zag lines. He was never prosecuted.

So you see, I'm far from having a lop-sided view on this.


New Member
Flagging down a motorist to give him a flea in the ear is the police's job, not yours.

I'll speak to who I like, thanks, magna probably feels the same.

The posts on your forum, endorsed and defended by "Rikki" the moderator yeti are evidence of a thuggish, aggressive attitude that reflects very badly on the form and its posters.
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